What is Melanoma ?

What is Melanoma ?

The type of skin cancer that is caused by melanocytes is called melanoma; unless identified in time, it can be dangerous.

Melanoma Symptoms

Remember the ABCDEs of melanoma: Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variation, Diameter larger than 6 millimeters, and Evolving appearance.

Melanoma Symptoms

Look out for moles that change color or shape as well as new spots  appearing around them since these might signal growths indicative of  melanoma.

It is important to find it early so do self-exams often keep track of any changes in your skin and visit doctor anything worrisome you notice.

Melanoma Treatment

The treatments for this disease are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation  therapy , immunotherapy drugs such as Keytruda and other targeted therapies depending on what stage the  cancer has reached.

Melanoma Prevention

Prevention includes protecting oneself from too much sun exposure through measures like using sunscreen regularly and wearing protective clothing while also checking frequently for signs like spots or growths on the body.

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