Six pack abs Workout at Home | 7 Best Abs Workout

Six pack abs Workout at Home

If you are dreaming to boast shaped and toned abs, six pack body can make you look good and give more confidence, we bring good tidings regarding how to fulfill your wish without spending a fortune on a gym subscription and sophisticated exercise gadgets. With the cooperation of this exhaustive guide “Six pack abs workout at home”, we will undertake an adventurous expedition that will transform your home into a perfect and suitable place for reflecting personal fitness and a proud collection of six-pack abs.

Understanding Six Pack Abs:

A six-pack is a term for the abdominal muscles, in particular the rectus abdominis, that is clearly identified. They will be as defined as you get core strength and body fat, and losing you has a nice six-pack. You can obtain a six-pack by lowering your total body fat percentage and training your core.

The Six Pack Abs Workout at Home :

It is very important for you to pre-warm your muscles before you start to exercise. This is why a well designed warm-up will engage your body, preparing it for the exercise ahead and reduce chances for injuries. Do flexible aerobic exercises for five to ten minutes, e.g. jumping jacks, fast march, or stay running in one place.


Planks, as you might have already guessed, are the foundation of your abdominal routine. They coupled for these functional core with the required power for the six-pack. Start with 3 sets of 1 minute and 20-40 seconds each. If you consider yourself a newcomer to planking, you should not skip the shorter periods at the beginning and progressively increase them only when you notice improvements in strength.

Bicycle crunches :

Bicycle crunches directly target the obliques and the rectus abdominis. Thus, they prove to be an ideal choice for strengthening of the abdominal muscles. Aim for 3 sets of 15-20 reps each side will do. Lying on your back is first, where you should twist your torso and touch your right elbow to your left knee, and so on both sides, like pedaling the bicycle.

Russian twists :

Russian twists are those unique type of crunches used for building up the oblique range, and also finding the overall core stability. Then do one set of 15-20 reps on each side. Create a sit-up position where you rest on the floor with your back slightly bent and then as you twist your torso, touch the ground on each side while keeping your core stable.

Leg raises :

In this exercise, the lower abs muscles are involved. Do 3 sets of 15-20 reps. Lie on your back, lift your leg to the ceiling and lower them back to the ground without touching the ground.

Mountain climbers :

Mountain climbers – in contrast to the other exercises – are multi-core exercises that are actually working all the muscles in that super long muscle chain. Practice 3 sets from 15 to 20 reps on both sides in your fitness program. Assume push-up form and bring your knees to your chest one at a time.

Side planks :

Sides planks are great for the obliques, that the obliques form the frame of the rectus abdominis and this work is vital in getting abdominal muscles that are great for the tummy. First, get in a forearm plank position, followed by rotating your body to one side while using your one forearm and the side of the foot as support. Rest here for 30-60 seconds and then switch the other side position.

Reverse crunches :

Reverse crunches hit the lower abs and are a perfect companion to other forms of abdominal routine. Lie flat on your back with hands by the sides or under the hips for a support. Bend at your knees 90 degrees and stretch your legs away from the ground. First, lie down on your back and press your lower back to the floor. Then, engage your lower abs to raise your hips from the ground. Take your hips back again but this time without letting your feet rest on the floor. Do a total of 15-20 reps per set.


       Also Read – How to Reduce Face Fat

Tips for Success:

  • Form and Technique: As you do each exercise make sure you do them with proper form which will help every exercise to be more effective and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Consistency: Try to train at least three workouts weekly for you to experience a considerable progress.
  • Nutrition: A successful six-pack depends on your food-consumption management too. A balanced and well-composed six pack diet is an effective way to lose body fat and keep body weight under control.
  • Hydration and Sleep: Hydrating yourself well and having a good sleep are the way to maintain health as well as to restore your muscles.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to get six pack in 1 week ?

It is highly unlikely to get visible six-pack abs within one week at all. It is a long-term goal which requires endurance and persistence. Within a week, you can lay the foundation and take definitive steps, but definite visible results are normally seen in a period of several weeks or months.

2. Are there specific foods that can help me get six-pack abs fast ?

While no one kind of food will make you get results faster, eating a balanced diet that has lean proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and healthy fats may help you. Cutting out processed foods and sugars and controlling portion sizes are of pivotal importance.

3. How often should I work out to get six-pack abs?

Make a practice of daily exercise by combining both cardio exercises with core workout. At the same time, do not overtrain as it can lead to injury, so learn to listen to your body and step up the intensity and length of training progressively.

4. Can I target fat loss in my abdominal area specifically?

Spot reduction, or losing fat in a particular area, is impossible. When you get rid of fat, your body makes the decision as to where it goes from. A balanced diet and consistent workout will help in reduction of fat leading to showing your abs.

5. Are there any shortcuts or supplements to get six-pack abs quickly?

There are no overnight solutions for six-pack abs; sadly, there are no shortcuts to cutting one’s waist. Take care to use supplements and other fat-burning aids only upon consulting a healthcare professional for this purpose. Balance the diet you ate daily by doing regular exercise.

6. How important is sleep in the process of getting six-pack abs?

Sleep has a great impact in restoring muscles and achieving overall health. Attempt to obtain 7-9 hours of good sleep every night to make sure your favorite exercises and healthy eating aren’t in vain.

7. Can I maintain a social life while working towards six-pack abs?

Yes, with social life you can still be in competent health. It is about the discovery of a moderate path, and taking into account healthy food and beverages decisions while hanging out with a group of people.

8. What is the role of genetics in achieving six-pack abs?

Genetics plays a role in determining if your body stores fat in certain regions and also has an impact on how much muscle mass you can gain. Nevertheless genetics don’t indicate how further you go on in your life: the consistent hard work, determined attitude and stickness to your decision are what truly do matter.

9. Is it possible to achieve six-pack abs at any age?

Absolutely, you can get your six-pack at any stage of your life, by keeping to a regular workout & diet program. However, the rate of progress is dependent to a certain degree on personal characteristics.

10. What should I do if I don’t see immediate results in one week?

If you can’t see the substantial result after a week, remember of staying encouraged. So be consistent and don’t stop to attain to your goal. This will not only should lead to an immediate improvement of the ecological footprint but also contribute to the sustainable lifestyle in a long run.

11. Do crunches help in making abs?

Crunches are the main exercise for the abdominal muscles, especially the rectus abdominis muscle, the one that is often known as the “six pack” muscle. It does not follow that crunches, alone, are the most efficient move in a total core-strengthening program for seeing your six pack (the abs).

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