How to Gain Weight Without Gym | 7 Best Ways to Gain Weight At Home

how to gain weight without gym

Today, the society is obsessed with having a fit and strong body, which most of the time, is associated with a weight loss. The bright side is that you don’t have to pay for a membership in a gymnasium in order to accomplish your weight gain goals. We will look into the various ways to gain weight through different food suggestions and lifestyle changes in this blog “How to Gain Weight Without Gym”.

How to Gain Weight Without Gym :

Understanding Your Body

Be aware of your body type and your metabolism before you embark on your weight gain journey. Because no one person is the same, what works for one may not for another. The second notable factor in determining how our bodies will respond to change is genetics. Some individuals are genetically programmed to gain weight quickly owing to the higher metabolic rates they have.Still, it’s not insurmountable. Being familiar with your body type and metabolism can let you personalize your plan to fit your own needs.

Dietary Tips for Weight Gain

What you have to do to gain weight correctly and quickly is to make sure that your diet is composed of food with a high amount of kcal. The diet plan and the weight gain foods are the tools which are used to gain in weight. Make fruits and vegetables, grain, lean meat and healthy fat the foods you consume in your daily meals. Nonetheless, ensure you feast on calories and nutrients that are equally essential. This ensures that your weight gain is permanent and that it is therefore, safe and healthy.

Best Diet Plan for Weight gain:

  • Breakfast (8:00-8:30AM)                                           6 Idli’s + 3 Egg whites + 1 Whole Egg + 3 cashews + 4 almonds + 2 walnuts
  • Mid-Meal (11:00-11:30AM)                                        1 Banana / 1 cup pomegrate / 1 Apple
  • Lunch (2:00-2:30PM)                                                 1 cup rice + 1 cup chicken curry / fish curry / Paneer Curry / Moong dal + 1 glass    Buttermilk
  • Evening (4:00-4:30PM)                                          250gm  Sweet Potato + 1 cup fruit salad
  • Dinner (8:00-8:30PM)                                               3 chapatti + Any vegetable curry / 1 cup Dal + salad
  • Before Sleeping (10:00-10:30PM)                          2 Bread slices with Peanut Butter + 1 Glass Protein Shake

Healthy Snacking

A wholesome snacking bears the healthiest positive effects on your weight management progress. Nuts, seeds, yogurt, as well as nut butter, are all the wonderful perfectly nutrient-rich high-calorie nibbles. Theoretically, you can manage a calorie surplus throughout the day by stocking up on tasty snacks to reach your calorie goal for the day.

Protein and Muscle Building

Though exercising at home, nevertheless, protein is a key element of your journey to gain weight which is integral to the process of building muscle. The muscle fibers are partly damaged when you workout using resistance training techniques such as push-ups, squats, or any other resistance weight workouts. Tearing of muscles occurs as a result of these injuries mitigating and remediation of this tearing is the result of healing and repairing process. The major element of this restoration capability is protein.

Here’s why protein is essential for muscle building:

Muscle Repair and Growth: Your body, in particular muscles, after the workout requires the amino acids as well as probiotics to recover and repair the damages. Amino acids are called amine groups. So, protein is the combination of amino acids. These amino acids are the building blocks of the protein and are thus vital for building, replacing, and repairing muscle tissues.

Increased Protein Synthesis: The level of muscle protein synthesis, which is the rate your body selects new muscle protein out of protein, rises with an on-going protein consumption. Together this result in the muscle, strength, and size gains.

Enhanced Workout Recovery: You can do more trainings and even easily when you are consuming protein as it will help on workout recovery and provides relief from your muscle pain.


Supplements can be very useful in reaching the goal of building muscle and gaining weight, especially at a situation of training from home. Although whole foods are supposed to constitute the basis of your diet, some supplements may help complete the nutritional gaps, provide convenience, and ensure that you consume enough protein and calories every day:

Protein Supplements: Those that want to increase their protein intake and do not want to eat a lot of food, people make protein smoothies and powders highly popular. They are especially useful before or after an exercise when you require a fast supply of protein as quickly as possible. Casein protein supplies amino acids at a gradual pace, contrary to whey protein, which is derived from milk and digests rapidly. Protein powder made from plants, which include pea and rice protein, is very good for people who are vegetarians and vegans.

Weight Gainers: Water-based supplements of a mix of healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates are also used by many people to help with weight gain. If low calorie intake is one of your challenges, these supplements may be just what you need. Keep in mind that you should always treat weight gainers as a food supplement, not the main course. Whey protein powder for mass gain is an essential supplement. They can be consumed as supplements to your regular calorie intakes.

Creatine : A natural organic compound that can increase the efficiency of your workouts is, creatine. When it is combined with resistance training it has been noticed to improve muscle size, strength and power. Checking with a healthcare professional is a necessity whenever you plan to use creatine, regardless of how frequently you hear that this is one of the most recommended supplements for sports.

Hydration and Rest

It is usual to pass through negative thinking without including staying hydrated and getting enough sleep in weight growth. Water serves as a support to all body processes, and the body needs sleep for the growth and recovery of muscles. Enough energy for your body to gain weight is provided by this and therefore you should not forget to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. General health and wellbeing depend on the level of hydration. This obviously becomes more important if you are trying to increase muscle and gain weight.

Muscle function requires water. The muscles need enough water to be there and be there right the next time the same muscles are subjected to heavy workout during the exercise session. One result of dehydration is muscle cramping and the other is decreased performance of the exercise. Therefore before, during, and after the workout at home aim at constant intake of water. Each person’s daily water requirement varies; so, as a general guideline, take eight to ten glasses a day, and more if it’s a frequent habit for you to engage in physical activity.

Sleeping and relaxing are crucial processes to build muscles properly. It is only during the sleep state that the body starts to rebuild and repair muscles. These rest periods are a must if you decide to do at-home strength frequency training for bigger muscles. To experience the maximum efficiency out of the workouts you do, try to get between 7 and 9 hours of good sleep per night.

Turn off the lights, keep the room dark, and make it peaceful, follow a regular sleep routine, and practice relaxing techniques, like deep breathing or meditation, before bed to improve the quality of your sleep. In your mission to grow weighty and to build muscles, sleep enough is just as important as consuming a healthy diet and exercising on a regular basis.

      Also Read Steel Cut Oats for Weight Loss

Weight gain Exercises :

Warm-up (5 minutes)

  • Jumping jacks: 2 minutes
  • High knees: 2 minutes
  • Arm circles: 1 minute

Strength Training (30 minutes)

Do the assigned exercise for 3 sets of 10-12 reps with a minute rest time between sets.


Target: Chest, shoulders, triceps

Technique: Start in a position where you balance on your hands with palms apart and two hands’ width shoulder-width. In the starting position of this exercise, reduce your body by bending the elbows downward and then lift yourself back up.

2. Squats:

Target: Quads, hamstrings, glutes

Technique: Do it with the feet placed horizontally at the shoulders. Legs bends and a sitting position simulation are performed and then coming back to the starting position is raised.

3.Dumbbell Rows (if you have dumbbells):

Target: Upper back, biceps

Technique: Bend forward, pointing your knees, while holding a dumbbell in each hand. Dumbbells bring up to your hips, squeezing your shoulder blades together at the narrow part of your back.

4. Plank:

Target: Core

Technique: Bring up a position with your arms fully stretched, feet together, and whole body straightly aligned with your core. One of the most important things is to keep this positioning for prescribed time.


Target: Quads, hamstrings, glutes

Technique: Step with one leg forward and bend knees at a 90 degree angle into a squat. And again, the start position, then again with the other leg.

Cardiovascular Exercise (20 minutes)

Running in Place:

No matter what, run in one place, be it a park, track, or anywhere at a very high speed for 20 minutes while engaging your arms as well.

Cool Down (5 minutes):

Give the muscles a stretch by holding a stretch for about 15-30 seconds for each major muscle groups. Take 5 minutes. Emphasize primarily your back, consists of legs, and chest.

This 1-hour workout schedule involves undergoing strength training along with cardiovascular exercise to help you gain weight by building muscles and improving their general fitness. It is necessary to keep a balanced diet as well to stick with your exercise regimen for the maximum gain of your weight. Gradually increase the intensity and type of exercises as you become more experienced with the routine, and support yourself by slowing down as much as you need to.

Establishing attainable goals is of utmost importance. A healthy weight gain is a process that happens over time. Develop a new habit by following a sustainable lifestyle rather than rushing solutions, and always remember that changes do not occur overnight.Losing weight without the gym is attainable with a proper method.

If you will learn your body, eat a balanced diet, incorporate good habits, and be patient you will reach your goal of gaining a healthy weight. And then you will feel physical and mental well-being and confidence. The broader picture is that it’s all about striking a balance, practice and discovering yourself along the way.

“ Workouts are like Life.The Harder it is,The Stronger you Become ”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :

What food makes you gain weight the fastest ?

Healthy foods such as nuts, oils, avocados, proteins, whole grains, dairy, beans and legumes are examples of foods that you can incorporate into your recovery diet to gain weight safely. These foods typically provide a mixture of healthy fats, protein, and complex carbs that have anabolic effects and leads to the improvement of overall health.

Which is the best peanut butter for weight gain ?

Apart from having the calorie content per serving important, choosing a peanut butter that matches your taste, and clarifies the dietary requirements is equally significant. The taste of peanut butter is better than any other peanut butters.

How to weight gain fast at home for female ?

In females, or in the individulas that have gained weight rapidily, the weight gain should be treated with caution and health-oriented approach. In making weight at home, start with a balanced diet that comprise of all major food groups, but makes sure to lay more emphasis on the taking of protein since it is known to help build muscle. Get small calorie surplus eating more than you need in calories about 200-500 extra calories per day.

Give list of high-calorie foods to gain weight ?

A few of these high-fat foods are nuts and nut butters since they comprise healthy forms of fats and lots of proteins. Avocado is also a great alternate, just as rich in monounsaturated fats and essential nutrients. Working with calorific dense cooking oils like olive oil or coconut oil is also a good option to add extra calories.

How to gain weight in 15 Days ?

Getting such a weight gain done in a mere 15 days can prove difficult, and a better and healthier approach would involve a slower path. Rapid weight gain has the potential to help you gain more fat and in the long run this can be bad for you. Nevertheless, in case you want just to add a small amount of weight in taking a short period of time for a special event, here are some strategies.

Follow the rule of having a caloric surplus that basically means eat more calories than you burn and for this purpose prefer to take small meals or snacks with calories frequently throughout the day.
Boost your protein intake in order to stimulate muscle development and include strength training in your workout program for the promotion of muscle building. Follow a well-balanced eating plan, which should have a mix of various food items and keep yourself hydrated.

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